Running a school is a time-consuming task. Every academic year,the school has a new intake of students and a corresponding outtake of graduating students. With 7thnecta SMS AI model , we make everything simple and quick for you.

Students Database

This core feature allows for timely tracking of every student in the school, accurate and up-to-date information is maintained..

Staff Database

This core feature enables the tracking of information for both teaching and non-teaching staff members in the school

Parent Database

This core feature includes tracking information on the parents of every student, ensuring comprehensive data on student-family relationships is maintained.

Grading System

This feature allows both parents and students to access and view grades individually,ensuring transparency and facilitating effective communication between all parties involved.

Performance Tracking

This feature allows both parents and teachers to track and monitor the performance of every student, fostering collaboration and providing a comprehensive view of each student's progress.

Attendance Tracking

Class teachers regularly track attendance for every student, ensuring accurate records and monitoring their presence in school.

Teaching Planning

Teachers can effectively plan and deliver their lessons by utilizing available resources and instructional strategies, resulting in well-structured and engaging learning experiences for students.

Graduation Progress

At the end of the academic year, students are transitioned or promoted to the next level based on their academic performance and meeting the necessary criteria set by the school.

Management of Student Billing System

The billing system is utilized to maintain a record of financial transactions and payments for every student, ensuring accurate tracking of fees and expenses.


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